budibase spaceman

Think fast

Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.

Day 1 - Introducing our new data-first experience

Welcome to day one of the Budibase 3.0 launch week! Over the next few days, we’ll be diving into a variety of exciting new developments, each designed to enhance the way you build and manage your apps. Each day, we’ll explore a different theme, offering insights and guidance to help you get the most out of Budibase 3.0. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! We’re kicking off the week by diving into the new data experience in Budibase.

Michael Drury, Jamie Birss

Nov 4, 2024

Beginners Guide to Web Application Development (2025)

It was the year 2010, I had an idea for a web application which would allow my family and I to share images, organise shopping, populate a shared calendar, and store bills. My family was terribly disorganised. We needed this! This idea was going to make me 💰💰💰. There was a small complication with my vision - I didn’t know how to build a web application. But thankfully, I could build a static site with HTML and CSS so it couldn’t be that hard, right?

Joe Johnston

Nov 1, 2024

Build a Free SQL GUI in 5 Steps

SQL is a powerful query language that’s used to unlock valuable insights stored in databases. No matter how large our database is or what we’re using it for, we need a streamlined, accessible way to interact with our data. But we also need to do this in a controlled, secure manner. That’s where an effective SQL GUI comes in. A GUI - graphical user interface - is an application that allows us to interact visually with our data, rather than relying solely on written commands.

Ronan McQuillan

Oct 31, 2024

6 ServiceNow Alternatives & Competitors for 2025

ServiceNow is totally synonymous with IT service management. In fact, it’s hugely embedded in how countless IT teams deliver services to colleagues. However, despite its dominant market share, it’s not the only option out there. See, ITSM is a hugely varied field. Even the most basic processes can look completely different from one company to the next. This raises a couple of problems for COTS ITSM platforms. Vendors inevitably need to position their solutions towards one type of team or another - even at the level of individual features.

Ronan McQuillan

Oct 25, 2024

How to make an App from Excel Spreadsheets

We love to hate spreadsheets. They’re everywhere. We use Excel for everything from planning our vacations and weddings, to managing inventories, payroll, and just about any other business process under the sun. But, like any blunt instrument, spreadsheets are almost the most elegant solution. Today, we’re going to look at a better way to manage data, calculations, and workflows. That is, how to make an app from Excel spreadsheets. You see, spreadsheets offer a huge amount of flexibility - there’s a reason why they’re so ubiquitous.

Ronan McQuillan

Sep 21, 2024

Design Beautiful Apps With the New 'Grid' Drag & Drop Layout

Introducing an easier way to build interfaces with Budibase with the new Grid layout. The Grid layout offers dynamic drag-and-drop functionality, letting you move and resize components across your screen with ease. Creating powerful and visually appealing applications in minutes has never been easier. You can now drag components around your screen and quickly resize them using the anchors on the corners and sides. As shown above, some components, such as tables, expand to fill the full container space.

Jamie Birss

Aug 24, 2024

10 Microsoft Access Alternatives for 2025

For a lot of businesses, finding a suitable Microsoft Access alternative for their needs is becoming pretty urgent. See, Access has been rumored to be reaching its end-of-life for a few years now - although Microsoft hasn’t unveiled any formal plans for a retirement party. Even so, in 2024, Access feels like a bit of a product of a bygone era. Not to be outwardly critical, but in the age of cloud computing, low-code development, DBaaS tools, and even AI, it’s tough for legacy platforms to keep up with the needs of modern businesses.

Ronan McQuillan

Aug 20, 2024

New Functionality for Superior Ticketing Systems

Budibase is designed to build powerful apps that streamline internal processes and workflows. One workflow that we see come up time and time again is internal ticketing systems, with some very consistent requirements, regardless of what the tickets are tracking. Today, we’re taking these systems to the next level with a new set of features specifically built for users developing these ticketing systems. Whether you work in IT managing support requests, are a developer handling bug fixes, or anything in between, we think you’ll love them.

Jamie Birss

Aug 8, 2024

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