Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.
NoSQL databases such as MongoDB seem intimidating at first. The MongoDB CRUD operations come from a different paradigm, which might be confusing if you are used to SQL databases. But it doesn’t need to be this way. Instead of manually figuring out how to perform CRUD operations in MongoDB, you can use the power of low-code to do it for you. That is, create an app that handles these differences, allowing you to interact with your DB, just like you would with other tools, like phpMyAdmin.
Ronan McQuillan
Aug 22, 2022
Data is everywhere in modern businesses. How you store, manage, and access this has a massive impact on your efficiency, effectiveness, and, ultimately, your success. Today we’re diving deep into spreadsheets vs databases. No doubt, you’re familiar with both of these types of platforms. At least, it’s a safe bet that you’re comfortable enough using a spreadsheet. You might even have some database skills already or maybe even a bit of SQL knowledge.
Ronan McQuillan
Aug 22, 2022
Spreadsheets are great, but they also come along with a whole raft of limitations. You’ll know this if you’ve ever tried using spreadsheet tools to manage or monitor large datasets. Today we’re looking at one important workaround - how to build a Google Sheets dashboard. Of course, Google Sheets is incredibly useful for storing and manipulating all kinds of data. This could be financial data, personal information, KPIs, key metrics, or any other kind of business intelligence.
Ronan McQuillan
Aug 21, 2022
It was a Sunday morning, and Budibase’s Bulgarian QA engineer, Mihail, receives multiple LinkedIn messages from multiple employees of the Bulgarian Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (MoFA). He brushed it off, thinking it was a scam. But, suddenly, he gets a call from his cousin who works with the MoFA. It turns out that the Bulgarian Government had been using Budibase (open source repo) to build an app that would help them rehome thousands of Ukrainian refugees.
Martin McKeaveney
Jul 31, 2022
Business process automation (BPA) is the cornerstone of any efficient organization. After all, what business wouldn’t like to do more with less? In an ever-more competitive business environment, automation is central to long-term success. All the same, BPA is widely misunderstood and under-utilized. There are countless misconceptions out there, including that automation is too expensive, complex, and laborious for all but the biggest companies. This couldn’t be any further from the truth.
Ronan McQuillan
Jul 24, 2022
These days, automation is a fact of life. Knowing how to automate tasks is a key element of your efficiency strategy. As businesses seek to cut costs and boost profitability, they inevitably turn to different kinds of automation. This can touch just about any aspect of your business. Most employees spend the majority of their time on repetitive, menial work. This includes the likes of basic communications, data entry, information sharing, and other administrative tasks.
Ronan McQuillan
Jul 24, 2022
Automating marketing processes is a top priority for modern businesses. The more money you can save on acquiring new customers, the more profitable just about every other business activity will be. The problem is that a lot of marketing pros get a bit squeamish here. After all, marketers are typically creative types. So, you might think automation is beyond your reach, either in terms of resources or know-how. For the most part, this just isn’t the case.
Ronan McQuillan
Jul 21, 2022
Operations automation is a top priority for any modern organization. With shrinking budgets, stiffening competition, and a need for more efficient processes, automation is a daily reality for operations teams. Of course, the ops team touches on just about everything your business does. Smooth, efficient, and robust internal systems are critical. Your operations team are the ones who make this a reality. Automation is just one weapon in this fight, but it becomes a more popular one every day.
Ronan McQuillan
Jul 21, 2022