Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.
For a lot of businesses, finding a suitable Microsoft Access alternative for their needs is becoming pretty urgent. See, Access has been rumored to be reaching its end-of-life for a few years now - although Microsoft hasn’t unveiled any formal plans for a retirement party. Even so, in 2024, Access feels like a bit of a product of a bygone era. Not to be outwardly critical, but in the age of cloud computing, low-code development, DBaaS tools, and even AI, it’s tough for legacy platforms to keep up with the needs of modern businesses.
Ronan McQuillan
Aug 20, 2024
Budibase is designed to build powerful apps that streamline internal processes and workflows. One workflow that we see come up time and time again is internal ticketing systems, with some very consistent requirements, regardless of what the tickets are tracking. Today, we’re taking these systems to the next level with a new set of features specifically built for users developing these ticketing systems. Whether you work in IT managing support requests, are a developer handling bug fixes, or anything in between, we think you’ll love them.
Jamie Birss
Aug 8, 2024
Automations transform standard applications into advanced workflows, bridging the gap between Budibase and your wider tech ecosystem. Today, we’re taking Automations up another level by introducing support for files and attachments. Whether you’re looking to generate and download reports, send documents to and from platforms like DocuSign or PowerBI, or even attach dynamically filled documents to emails, Budibase has you covered. The door has now opened to a range of powerful new workflows that were previously out of reach.
Jamie Birss
Jul 25, 2024
We spent Q2 delivering several new components and quality-of-life improvements. We also ran our first workshop! Read on to find out more. Modal component Last week, we released the new Modal component. Modals are a great way to focus the app’s interface on a specific experience. The new modal component comes in different sizes, and the design experience is similar to the existing Side Panel component. Kudos to Gerard for developing this great new feature.
Joe Johnston
Jul 3, 2024
Ticketing systems are some of the most common internal tools there are. They’re central to all kinds of ITSM, HR, finance, ops, and other workflows. However, they can also introduce huge amounts of tedious admin work. This includes basic tasks like categorizing and prioritizing issues, assigning tasks, directing users to self-service resources, and handling communications. Today, we’re checking out how we can use artificial intelligence to drive more efficient ticketing workflows.
Ronan McQuillan
Jun 26, 2024
SQL is a powerful query language that’s used to unlock valuable insights stored in databases. No matter how large our database is or what we’re using it for, we need a streamlined, accessible way to interact with our data. But we also need to do this in a controlled, secure manner. That’s where an effective SQL GUI comes in. A GUI - graphical user interface - is an application that allows us to interact visually with our data, rather than relying solely on written commands.
Ronan McQuillan
Jun 22, 2024
Today, we’re going to build a relatively simple but no less powerful tool - an employee management app using Budibase. Your employees - along with their skills, knowledge, and expertise - are some of your most valuable assets. Making better use of their time is an easy way to create huge efficiency savings. And for that, we need proper oversight. Who is doing what - and when? When you have a couple of team members all working in the same location, this isn’t such a challenge.
Ronan McQuillan
Jun 22, 2024
Enterprise incident management is, without doubt, one of the most important responsibilities of IT teams in large organizations. This is because IT incidents can potentially have an enormous impact on the wider business. In fact, in extreme situations, it could easily be lights out. Even if it’s not this dramatic, we still risk data loss, service interruptions, and, ultimately, lost revenue. Today, we’re going deep into managing IT incidents in an enterprise context.
Ronan McQuillan
Jun 20, 2024