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Think fast

Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.

How to Build a Client Intake Form

Intake forms are a critical part of the client onboarding process. At the most basic level, we need to ensure that the correct information is gathered at the outset of new projects. Even more importantly though, we need to gather and store data in such a way that we can use it within follow-on workflows, without compromising security. Today, we’re going to see how Budibase empowers teams to build advanced forms on top of just about any data source.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 12, 2024

How to Build Conditional Logic Forms + 5 Examples

Implementing conditional logic is one of the most common ways to make our form tools more effective. On the one hand, conditionality enhances user experiences. More importantly, though, it helps us to gather the right information - even when this varies from case to case. Today, we’re checking out how Budibase makes building conditional logic forms a breeze. Specifically, we’re going to look at how we can build five of the most common use cases for conditional forms using our open-source, low-code platform.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 12, 2024

How to Build an IT Request Form

IT teams rely heavily on request forms for delivering services to colleagues. For instance, support ticketing, equipment checkout workflows, incident reporting, or a whole host of other workflows. The goal - first of all - is to gather the information we need in a consistent structure and format. This can then be used for categorizing, prioritizing, delegating, and ultimately actioning requests. Today, we’re exploring how Budibase empowers teams to build secure, advanced forms for all sorts of request workflows.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 7, 2024

How to Build an Embeddable Contact Information Form

Contact information forms are probably the most common data collection tools around. They’re everywhere - whether as embedded UIs or standalone apps. In fact, just about every business needs to build contact forms - for their customers, users, colleagues, or other stakeholders. However, not all contact forms are equal. Most web forms are either built manually with HTML or using traditional form-builder tools. We can create perfectly functional forms this way, but these methods also leave a lot to be desired.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 6, 2024

JotForm vs Typeform vs FormStack vs Budibase

Forms are some of the simplest solutions around. But they’re central to all kinds of internal processes. So, the right form builder is critical. Today, we’re checking out some of the biggest names in this space. These are: Budibase JotForm Typeform FormStack The market for form builders is more diverse and varied than it might seem. So, it’s important to clearly understand what each main player offers and what they bring to the table.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 6, 2024

How to Build an Audit Form with Budibase

Audit forms are some of the most common field data collection tools around. In fact, they can be used in a diverse range of contexts - including financial, operational, HR, manufacturing, compliance, and other processes. Whatever the context, the challenge is providing colleagues with an efficient, repeatable way to collect the information required to complete whatever kind of audit we’re carrying out. Today, we’re going to see how Budibase makes building advanced forms faster and easier than ever before.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 5, 2024

How to Build a Secure Timesheet

We need an accurate record of the hours worked by our colleagues for all kinds of billing, payroll, HR, and other processes. For instance, paying salaries or invoicing clients for project hours. But in doing so, we can’t compromise our employee’s privacy or the integrity of our internal data assets. So, we need secure timesheets. See, the majority of companies handle this using spreadsheets - or even pen and paper. This is manageable for smaller teams, but it also introduces a whole range of problems around security, accuracy, usability, and integration options.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 1, 2024

Introducing Global Bindings

At Budibase, we are continually evolving to make application development more intuitive, accessible, and powerful. With our latest update, we are thrilled to announce a significant enhancement that aligns perfectly with this vision - Global Bindings. Before diving into the exciting details, we assure you that your existing data structures are safe. This update is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing setup, ensuring that everything you’ve built so far continues to function flawlessly with the new version of Budibase.

Jamie Birss

Jan 31, 2024

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