Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.
Form validation is essential to the accuracy, integrity, and consistency of our data. It’s also one of the key ways that we can enhance user experiences around data entry and management workflows. These enable our form UIs to check that submissions comply with any rules that we have as part of our data model - as well as giving feedback to users where submitted values aren’t acceptable. However, implementing this can present some pretty serious challenges.
Ronan McQuillan
Feb 15, 2024
Web forms are some of the most basic applications around. But the value we get from them really depends on what we can do with the data we gather. Most form builders are kind of limited in this regard - largely restricting us to their built-in databases. We can also go down the route of building fully custom forms. This provides greater flexibility, but it also requires a lot more from us in terms of time, effort, and expertise.
Ronan McQuillan
Feb 14, 2024
There are countless situations where you might need to integrate multiple databases. This might be necessary for a particular app project. Providing more centralized and efficient access to information could also be a goal in itself. However, accomplishing this can be a challenge, especially for inexperienced developers. Today we’re going to look at two methods key methods for integrating databases, as well as how Budibase can make life easier along the way.
Ronan McQuillan
Dec 22, 2023
Databases are not new. Having ways to be able to store data, query it, and serve it back to our users has been a key focus of web application development for decades. But, that doesn’t mean things have stood still. Today, we’re checking out the future of databases - with 8 data management trends and 11 real-world examples. Relational databases that were developed in the 70s still provide the backbone of most modern IT.
Ronan McQuillan
Oct 17, 2023
The rise of serverless databases has been one of the major shifts in how we build software over the past few years. In fact, they’re increasingly becoming a core part of all sorts of application projects. See, when we build any kind of solution, a big portion of the cost is the infrastructure we use to store and host relevant data. This also has an outsized impact on the quality and success of whatever we’re building.
Ronan McQuillan
Oct 13, 2023
Businesses today deal with larger, more complex data sets than at any point in history. Obviously, this brings huge benefits. At the same time, it introduces swathes of new challenges. These include inefficiencies, unnecessary risks, poor oversight, and a whole host of other problems. One approach to solving this problem is simplifying data management. See, the problem isn’t so much the data itself, it’s how we build processes and operations around it.
Ronan McQuillan
Sep 29, 2023
Transactional databases are some of the most foundational and ubiquitous tools around. In fact, for countless IT teams, this is the default model for data storage. But, in recent years, the size, scale, and complexity of businesses’ data assets have exploded. In turn, it’s become more important than ever to choose the right data management tools for specific applications and use cases. This means that we need to have a realistic, clear grasp of the respective pros, cons, and core tenets of different models - including transactional systems.
Ronan McQuillan
Sep 29, 2023
Wide-column databases are one of the most important types of NoSQL data storage solutions. Countless businesses use them every day, especially in analytics and big data workflows. But, if you go searching for a clear, concise definition, there’s a good chance you’re going to be left disappointed. Unless you like technical marketing jargon. Today, we’re filling that gap. Specifically, we’re diving deep into everything you need to know about wide-column databases - including what they are, how they work, what they’re used for, and how they fit into the bigger picture of the data management landscape.
Ronan McQuillan
Sep 19, 2023