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Think fast

Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.

Building a Business Rules Engine with Budibase

Business rules engines (BREs) do a huge amount of heavy lifting within the field of process automation. But, despite their outsized importance, they’re something you might not have paid much attention to before. Basically, any internal process can be expressed as a set of business rules. These make up the logic that decides what actions are taken by employees or automated systems at each point in a process or workflow.

Ronan McQuillan

Apr 21, 2023

What is Process Innovation?

Process innovation is all about coming up with new, better ways to carry out everyday internal tasks. Nowadays, this primarily means innovating with new technologies - although this is by no means the only option. Indeed, we’ll see today that we have levers to pull across our wider operations, company culture, governance, training, HR, finance, and more. But of course, technology will still almost inevitably play a role within each of these verticals.

Ronan McQuillan

Apr 17, 2023

What is Data Automation? In-Depth Guide

Data automation is one of the most transformative strategies that your business can turn to. Separately, data and automation are two of the biggest priorities for modern business IT leaders. So, it follows quite naturally that automated data processing offers enormous benefits - for IT teams, on-the-ground employees, and the organization as a whole. Today, we’re going to dive deep into everything you need to know. We’ll start by covering the basics, including what automated data processing is, what it looks like in practice, and what it achieves.

Ronan McQuillan

Mar 30, 2023

What is Invoice Automation? + 4 Examples

Invoice automation is one of the real unsung heroes in the world of process improvement. See, it’s not the most attention-grabbing topic, but the potential for efficiency savings here is enormous. The crux of the matter is that processing invoices costs a lot of money - and it just doesn’t need to. Your accounts and finance teams are skilled professionals, but they’re also some of the most likely to be overburdened by totally unnecessary admin tasks.

Ronan McQuillan

Mar 30, 2023

How to Streamline Business Processes | 6 Strategies

Companies of all shapes and sizes are in a race to eke out every possible competitive advantage through efficiency savings. A core part of this is knowing how to streamline business processes. We’re all facing tough economic headwinds, so to keep the lights on, we need to learn to do more with less. Building robust, effective internal processes is a critical part of this. Today, we’re exploring everything you need to know to streamline business processes.

Ronan McQuillan

Mar 13, 2023

What are Internal Processes? + 7 Improvement Strategies

Internal processes are the basic building blocks of pretty much everything your business does. Every company has thousands of internal processes, whether they know it or not. These could be anything from how employees book time off to how your engineering department develops and ships new product features. No matter what kind of process we’re talking about, however, it pays to get things right. Ineffective, inconsistent, or undocumented processes are the enemy of efficiency.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 9, 2023

3 Types of Workflow | In-Depth Guide

When it comes to building efficient internal operations, understanding the logic that governs common tasks is crucial. However, this is nearly impossible if we don’t have a firm grasp of the core types of workflow. That’s just what we’re covering today. You see, workflow is an incredibly broad term. We could be talking about just about anything - from simple vacation approvals to highly complex automated replenishment tasks. This presents us with a few major challenges.

Ronan McQuillan

Jan 3, 2023

8 Steps to Create & Optimize a Workflow Model

An effective workflow model is the foundation of all sorts of change, transformation, and optimization projects. Therefore, you’d expect this to be something that’s widely understood. The reality is that many businesses don’t have such a clear idea of what workflow modeling is, what it achieves, or how to go about it in the real world. In turn, this undermines their efforts to improve their workflows - since they’re missing a crucial first step.

Ronan McQuillan

Jan 3, 2023

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